Stock up on Supplies

Grab all the essentials to be self sufficient for at least three days

If there’s an emergency, you might have to survive without access to food, power and water for a minimum of three days. Make sure you don’t get caught out and stock up on the following essentials now.

You’ll need to check these supplies at least once a year, and add or replace anything as needed.

Enough Water for 3 days
(that’s about 9 litres per person)

Non perishable food for three days (Ideally things that don’t need to be cooked)

Extra food for your pets

Toilet paper and a large bucket to make an emergency toilet

A first-aid kit

A cooker and gas

Dust masks and gloves

A torch, radio and batteries

Need some help getting supplies?

Join our sign up form, and make sure to check “help with emergency supplies” for potential support, as we’re able to provide it.

Download our handy check list to help your Whānau get prepared

What’s next?

Stock up on supplies