Prepare to Leave Your Home

How do you know if you need to evacuate in an emergency?

If you’re advised by civil defence to leave the area.

This could be via our tsunami sirens, phone alert or news announcement (radio/TV).

If you feel a long or strong earthquake,  see sudden sea-level changes or hear unusual noises coming from the sea. 

If this happens, don’t wait to be told to evacuate - just leave.

Know your exit route

Figure out the best way to get out of the area if you have to evacuate. Plan multiple routes in case some roads are blocked or unsafe. Make sure everyone in your household knows the evacuation plan and where to meet up if you get separated. Being prepared with an evacuation route can help you stay safe and get to safety quickly if needed.

Where you'll go 

All of Greater New Brighton is within one of three Tsunami Zones. If there is a Tsunami warning, it may be in place for many hours, so talk to your household about a safe place to go to outside of the evacuation zones. If you have friends or family that live outside of these zones, talk with them now about whether you can go to their place during an evacuation. 

How you'll go 

Plan what route you will take and what form of transport you will use. Think about routes from your home, workplace or any other place you could be within a tsunami evacuation zone.

Remember to secure your home as you normally would when leaving.

What you'll take

Plan to take your pets, and anything they need with you. You may not be at home, so make a plan for your pets for when you’re not there.

Grab bag
Keep a bag of essentials in an accessible place so you can get them quickly when you’re evacuating.