Emergency Activation

One of the stakeholders can activate the response plan if there’s a serious problem, like heat wave, a big storm causing problems to people. The community does not need the CCC Civil defence team’s approval to open the hub and respond to the need.

When the Emergency response plan is activated, stakeholders follow rules laid out in it. This means opening a hub, getting help from the CCC Civil Defence team, telling others about the situation, and working together with different groups to keep everyone safe.

Stakeholders decide to activate the plan based on how bad the situation is in Greater New Brighton and what needs to be done to keep people out of harm’s way.

An example of Community Emergency Activation:


Greater New Brighton is experiencing a heat wave.

The area is experiencing a prolonged period of high heat, with temperatures expected to remain elevated +40 C and above for the next few days. This extreme heat poses risks to the health and safety of residents, particularly vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and individuals withcertain medical conditions.


Initiating Stakeholder requests an activation of the Hub to provide a cool space

The Grace Vineyard Hub opens its doors as an emergency response centre. This provides a safe and cool environment for residents and their pets to seek refuge from the heat.

Communication and Outreach:

The hub communicates its opening hours and available services through various channels, such as social media, local news outlets, and community noticeboards. They also reach out to vulnerable individuals or groups within the community, ensuring they are aware of the available support.

Provision of Resources and Support:

Inside the hub, volunteers and staff members set up cooling stations with fans, cold water, and electrolyte drinks to help residents beat the heat. They also provide information on heat safety tips, such as staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous outdoor activities, and seeking shade or air-conditioned spaces.

Monitoring and Assistance:

Throughout the duration of the heatwave, the hub remains open and staffed to monitor the situation and aid as needed. They keep track of any heat- related emergencies or medical issues within the community and coordinate if additional support is required.

Collaboration with other agencies:

The hub collaborates with other service providers, such as healthcare providers, social services agencies, and local government officials, to ensure a coordinated response to the heatwave. This may involve sharing resources, coordinating outreach efforts, and addressing specific needs within the community.


By taking proactive measures to open a cooling centre and provide support to residents during the heatwave, the Grace Vineyard Hub plays a critical role in ensuring the health and well-being of the community. This collaborative effort demonstrates the importance of stakeholders working together to address emergencies and support those impacted.